Why PAPER TOWELS are the most hygienic way to dry your hands: Hand dryers spray bugs up to 1.5 meters away - and often at the exact height of a child
·         Study: Hand dryers spray more bacteria around room than paper towels
·         Powerful jet air dryers can spray microbes up to 1.5m into the distance
·         They spray bacteria up to 0.9m from the floor - the exact height of a child
·         Experts: Parents should keep children away from air coming out of dryers

Paper towels are the most hygienic way to dry hands after going to the loo, a study has found.
Hand dryers, in comparison, tend to spray bacteria over the room and could infect people standing nearby, researchers discovered.
Worryingly, they tend to spray the most microbes up to 0.9m from the floor, the exact height of a small child who might be standing near the dryer when a parent is drying their hands.
And jet dryers – the more modern and powerful hand dryers - can spray liquid and bacteria up to 1.5m into the distance, it was revealed.

Paper towels are the most hygienic way to dry hands after going to the loo, when compared to hand dryers
British researchers wanted to study the risk of bacteria being spread in the air when drying hands after visiting the toilet.
Organisms such as  salmonella and E. coli, as people often dry their hands before cleaning them properly. 
Previous research has shown that usually after going to the loo a person has around 200 million bacteria per square inch on each hand.
And hands contaminated with viruses can transfer them to five more surfaces or 14 other subjects

The researchers looked at drying hands with single-use paper towels, a textile towel roller (where the same cloth is used on a roller), a warm air dryer, and a jet dryer.
They dryers were tested using three different tests: an acid indicator test using lemon juice, yeast, and a test to see how much bacteria was spread.
They found the powerful jet air dryer sprayed liquid from users' hands further and over a greater distance – up to 1.5 m – than the other drying methods.
Jet air dryers also caused the greatest spread of microbes into the air, both near and far, when tested with lemon juice, yeast and bacteria.

At a close distance away from the jet air dryer, researchers found 59.5 colonies of yeast, compared with an average of just 2.2 colonies for paper towels.
There were 67 colonies of yeast 0.2m from the dryer, compared with only 6.5 for paper towels.
And at a distance of 1.5m from the dryer there were 11.5 colonies of yeast, while there were none recorded when paper towels were used.

The research, which was commissioned by the European Tissue Symposium (ETS), also looked at the height at which bacteria was spread by air dryers.

Why PAPER TOWELS Why PAPER TOWELS Reviewed by Brilliant on 03:17 Rating: 5

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