
Microfiber has revolutionized the auto detailing industry by providing better cleaning, higher quality and longer lasting towels than previously thought possible. Microfiber is an extremely small, synthetic fiber approximately 1/100th the diameter of a human hair. Microfiber is primarily constructed from a blend of two materials, polyester and polyamide. The ratio at which these materials are blended is what adds to the versatility of microfiber and allows towels to be made for a wide range of uses. Blend ratios are expressed in terms of percentage of polyester / polyamide. For example, most microfiber towels are blended 80/20, 75/25 or 70/30 and as the polyamide (the second number in the ratio) increases so does the towels soft, plushness. This also allows towels to be made with different enhanced characteristics such as softness, toughness, absorption, breathability and durability.

Microfiber Microfiber Reviewed by Brilliant on 03:12 Rating: 5

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