increases in a towel

As density increases in a towel so does its thickness, weight and number of fibers. The more microfibers in a towel, the better it absorbs and cleans. Microfiber towel density is expressed in grams per square meter (GSM). A towel that is 16 inches by 12 inches with a 500 GSM will not have a weight of 500 grams, but one square meter of that microfiber towel will have a weight of 500 grams. The actual weight of a 500 GSM 16 x 12 inch towel would be approximately 63 grams. By using grams per square meter instead of the actually weight of the towel it allows us to set a standard in which we can compare different towels of different sizes. It would be extremely confusing to compare towels if we used weight instead of density as a defining characteristic because weight increases with size and density remains constant regardless of size.

Description: Microfiber Towel Density Increase Diagram

increases in a towel increases in a towel Reviewed by Brilliant on 03:14 Rating: 5

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