How to Inspect and Fold Microfiber Towels

How to Inspect and Fold Microfiber Towels

Microfiber towels are notorious for grabbing and holding on to dirt and debris. Sometimes no amount of washing or shaking can remove large pieces of dirt and debris, so we must visual inspect each towel before and during use to ensure we do not scratch the surface we are working on. Typically you can pick out large pieces of dirt and debris without much hassle or use a tooth brush to brush them loose from the microfibers. If tar or other sticky substances are stuck on your towel you can try to use an adhesive remover or simply cut the problem areas free with scissors or a razor blade.
Description: Microfiber Towels Stored In A Drawer
Inspect and remove dirt before washing, after washing and during use.

Always fold your towels after washing. It will help you stay organized and maximize your storage space. I like to fold half of my towels with the long nap exposed and the other half with the shorter or loop nap exposed. This allows me to save time while working and I can easily grab whatever towel and side I need for the job at hand. Plan ahead when folding your towels and think about the types of jobs you use your towels for. It’s a huge headache and a waste of time searching for the towels you need and folding them properly mid-detail. If you know you need 20 of the same type of towels to preform a rinseless wash or you use 3 towels when buffing off wax then set yourself up with the towels you need before hand.

How to Inspect and Fold Microfiber Towels How to Inspect and Fold Microfiber Towels Reviewed by Brilliant on 03:24 Rating: 5

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